Holiday Decorating Tips – Decorate Your Roof Safely Pt. 1

jfkufjThe holidays are right around the corner, and many of us are ready to begin decorating. Whether you go over the top with elaborate decorations, or keep it simple with a few strings of outdoor lights, there are some important safety tips you need to know before decorating your roof. Doing damage to your roof or yourself is a great way to ruin the holidays –so stay safe.

Avoid the Shingles

Hanging Christmas lights from your shingles is a great way to do damage to your roof. Putting holes in the shingles or roof components will create a space for moisture to get in and rot your roof. Your lights do need to be secured to something though, so we recommend using clips that attach to your gutter or eaves, this way you can easily remove and install the lights without damage.

Bring a Spotter

Never put up your decorations alone – always have at least one person with you to hold the ladder, supplies, and to run for help in an emergency. It’s always easier and safer to have help on hand.

The holidays are an exciting and joyous time to spend with your family and friends. Practicing good safety procedures when hanging your lights ensures that both you and your roof are happy and healthy for the season. If you accidentally damaged your roof while hanging your decorations, contact our roofing contractor in Duxbury, MA. In our next post, we’ll discuss three more important decorating safety tips you should know.